Open the Door,
March 6
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20.
When the heart is emptied of self-importance, the door will be opened to Christ, because you will recognize His knock. But unless you clear away the rubbish that keeps the Lord Jesus out, He cannot possibly enter; for He forces no entrance.
In the visions of the night I have been bearing a decided testimony that the Lord Jesus will be found of all who will seek Him with the whole heart, and lay hold of Him by faith. I was addressing you with intensity of earnestness. Answer the prayer of Christ for unity, and put away the suspicions with which Satan has been trying to lead you astray. Dismiss the enemy, and then the Spirit of the Lord will lift up for you a standard against the enemy....
The prosperity of the soul depends upon Christ’s atoning sacrifice. He came to this world to obtain forgiveness in our behalf. Our first work is to strive most earnestly for spiritual blessings, in order that we may be kept loyal and true amidst the perils of these last days—kept from yielding one inch to Satan’s devices. It is the duty of every one to make straight paths for his feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way. We have no time to lose. The prosperity of the soul depends upon the oneness that Christ prayed might exist among those who believe in Him. They are to be one with Him as He is one with the Father. Drawing apart from one another is not God’s plan, but the plan of the artful foe.
We are to beware of those who are denying their past experience, and who, through specious devising, would if possible deceive the very elect. He who is our Advocate in the heavenly courts is acquainted with every particular of the deceptive wiles of those who are doing this work. Those who are departing from the faith are at work to undermine the confidence of others, and they have been thus at work for years. Our warnings come from the One who is interested in us, because He sees our dangers, and is acquainted with the conniving of those who are opposed to His truth....
He who is our Intercessor in the heavenly courts will purify His people. Christ will perfect His saints.—Letter 90, March 6, 1906, to the brethren assembled in council at Graysville, Tennessee.
When the heart is emptied of self-importance, the door will be opened to Christ, because you will recognize His knock. But unless you clear away the rubbish that keeps the Lord Jesus out, He cannot possibly enter; for He forces no entrance.
In the visions of the night I have been bearing a decided testimony that the Lord Jesus will be found of all who will seek Him with the whole heart, and lay hold of Him by faith. I was addressing you with intensity of earnestness. Answer the prayer of Christ for unity, and put away the suspicions with which Satan has been trying to lead you astray. Dismiss the enemy, and then the Spirit of the Lord will lift up for you a standard against the enemy....
The prosperity of the soul depends upon Christ’s atoning sacrifice. He came to this world to obtain forgiveness in our behalf. Our first work is to strive most earnestly for spiritual blessings, in order that we may be kept loyal and true amidst the perils of these last days—kept from yielding one inch to Satan’s devices. It is the duty of every one to make straight paths for his feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way. We have no time to lose. The prosperity of the soul depends upon the oneness that Christ prayed might exist among those who believe in Him. They are to be one with Him as He is one with the Father. Drawing apart from one another is not God’s plan, but the plan of the artful foe.
We are to beware of those who are denying their past experience, and who, through specious devising, would if possible deceive the very elect. He who is our Advocate in the heavenly courts is acquainted with every particular of the deceptive wiles of those who are doing this work. Those who are departing from the faith are at work to undermine the confidence of others, and they have been thus at work for years. Our warnings come from the One who is interested in us, because He sees our dangers, and is acquainted with the conniving of those who are opposed to His truth....
He who is our Intercessor in the heavenly courts will purify His people. Christ will perfect His saints.—Letter 90, March 6, 1906, to the brethren assembled in council at Graysville, Tennessee.
Improving Opportunities for Service, March 6
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14, NKJV.
There is no religion in the enthronement of self. God asks us to be true to Him, to trade upon the talents He has given us, that we may gain others. His will must be made our will in all things. Any departure from this standard degrades our moral nature. It may result in lifting us up, in enriching us, and in seating us beside princes; but in the eyes of God we are unclean and unholy. We have sold our birthright for selfish interest and gain, and in the books of heaven it is written of us, Weighed in the balances of the sanctuary, and found wanting.
But if we regard our talents as the Lord's gifts, and use them in His service by showing compassion and love toward our fellow beings, we are channels through which God's blessings flow to the world; and at the last great day we shall be greeted with the words “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
Time, laden with precious, golden opportunities for serving the Lord, is fast passing into eternity.... Are you improving these opportunities as they pass? You cannot afford to slight them; for you must stand before the judgment seat of God, to answer for the deeds done in the body. Do your words cheer and encourage those who come to you for help and comfort? Does your influence strengthen those with whom you associate? Are your possessions faithfully given to the Lord?
Consecrate yourself today to the Lord's service.... Cast your care upon the Lord, and on no account allow the things of the world to separate you from Him. Consecrate all you have and are to Him. This is but “your reasonable service.” Do not delay; for there is peril in a moment's delay. A few more years at the longest will be yours to work for the Master, and then the voice which you cannot refuse to answer will be heard, saying, “Give an account of thy stewardship.”—The Signs of the Times, January 21, 1897.